State Compensatory Education
The goal of the State Compensatory Education Program (SCE) is to provide funding to reduce disparity in performance on assessment instruments or disparity in the rates of high school completion between educationally disadvantaged students, at-risk students, and all other students. The purpose of the SCE program is to increase academic achievement and reduce the dropout rate for these students by providing supplemental programs and services.
- The Texas Education Code (TEC) §28.0217, relates to satisfactory performance on state assessment instruments and providing accelerated instruction to certain students.
- The TEC, §29.081, defines the purpose of the SCE program and the statutory criteria for determining if a student is at risk of dropping out of high school.
- The TEC §29.089, allows school districts and charter schools to fund mentoring programs with SCE funds.
- The TEC §48.104, provides the method for TEA to calculate school district and charter school allotments and establishes certain additional uses for SCE funds.
- 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §61.1027is related to the eligible student count for the compensatory education allotment.
For more information, click on SCE Guidance.